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Relationship and Loyalty




Concept of Relationship and Loyalty .


In the visible world, we see that everything has a foundation, and if this foundation develops any flaws or defects, the existence of the whole entity is at risk of being obliterated.



As we observe in our daily lives, when the foundation of a house develops cracks, the entire structure, which stands on this foundation, is in danger.

In a sense, we live because of our foundation, and there comes a time when the house, enveloped in cracks, collapses and turns into a heap of rubble. The same situation can sometimes apply to us personally when relationships develop cracks.

These cracks occur because our hearts lack loyalty towards one another.


Loyalty, which is essentially the foundation of relationships, contains fidelity. When this fidelity, as a seed of sincerity and devotion, grows in the heart, it matures into love for one another. Considering this point, it appears that loyalty is the beginning of relationships. We see that when something begins with a flaw or defect, it cannot reach its destination.

Hence, as the beginning is, so will be the end. We have heard since childhood that no one is perfect, yet it is curious that everyone unconsciously strives towards perfection. However, only a few consciously make this journey and find success. As for us, who are imperfect, it is clear as day that we cannot expect anyone to be entirely faultless.

If we establish friendships or relationships with this expectation, they will soon become a heap of rubble. The truth is that the spark of goodwill and love for one another has extinguished within us, leading to a societal tragedy where even the smallest mistake erases all past good deeds and achievements.

It’s like someone wearing white clothes who accidentally gets a tiny stain; people’s attention immediately goes to the stain, and they start calling the whole garment dirty.

It’s even more astonishing that not only is the garment stained, but the person wearing it is also not spared. From the perspective of scholars, we should not only accept the positive qualities in relationships and friendships but also accept negative flaws, and fight against negativity with the sword of knowledge.

In this effort to transform negative flaws into positive attitudes lies success. As a student, from school to university, the world of books taught us many things about this visible world. However, in today’s intellectual life, none of that education seems practically relevant. It feels as though they were fairy tales and mere stories.


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